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The Hungry Goat (501c3)

Our affiliate nonprofit provides free, nutritious food to people in need, no strings attached, to ensure they have the food they need to live active, healthy lives. 


Before the coronavirus upended millions of lives and livelihoods, 37 million low-income Americans were already facing food insecurity. Now, as 17 million more have joined the ranks of the unemployed, access to food has become increasingly precarious. Add disrupted food chains, grocery shelves emptied by panicked shoppers, and shuttered restaurants... alarms are sounding.​


We seek to eliminate food insecurity for Mariposans and work with local food banks and religious organizations in our community to deliver fresh produce direct from our farm. A new program will also offer qualifying community members access to our farm, to get the food they need while becoming active participants in our efforts—by cultivating their own garden.  

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